Peplos Kore

Peplos Kore

This 48 in. [1.2 m.] high statue in marble was found on the Acropolis.  It dates to about 530 B.C. — the Archaic period (about 50 years prior to the construction of the Parthenon.  A Kore is a statue of a young woman that dates to the Archaic Period.

This kore wears a peplos — a rectangular garment that is folded at the top, and then pinned at the shoulders and allowed to hang but is bound at the waist or bust.

This kore is beginning to show individual features in comparison to earlier kore.  Note the remnants of paint on the kore, the hairstyle and braids, the facial features, and the faint outline of the female figure.

For a more detailed description from the Acropolis Museum Click Here.