Stairs to Propyolon

Stairs to Propyolon

View looking southeast at the remnants of a 12-step monumental staircase that led up to a triple-arched formal gate (propylon) which led from "Tiberias Square," from which this picture was taken, to the Augustus temple.

Although only the foundations of the Propylon are preserved, fragments of inscribed materials were found in the vicinity, and it is probable that the gate was covered with a Latin text which summarized the accomplishments of Emperor Augustus — written shortly before his death. Only one other copy of this important inscription is known, from a temple in Ancrya, and thus the fragments of this inscription, called the "Res Gestae Divi Augusti," are of great importance for historical studies of the period.

Some of these fragments are displayed in the museum in nearby Yalvac.

The Propylon, with its inscription, would have been in existence when Paul and Barnabas visited the city.