Triclinium With Waterfall

Triclinium With Waterfall

A view looking west at the central triclinium of the House of Julia Felix.  Note, on the right and the left, the marble benches.  Cushions would be placed on these and the guests would recline on an elbow, feet to the wall and heads to the center, to enjoy a special meal.

This is a very unique triclinium.  Note on the far wall, below the window, the step-like construction.  Water would flow down this "staircase," creating visual ripples and sounds as it cascaded into the pool between the two sloping benches of the triclinium.  In the far wall of the pool note the drain hole. The effect of the cool cascading water must have been very impressive.

The brick walls were faced with marble paneling and frescos.  Note in the upper right, the remnant of a blue wall fresco that evidently depicted a Nilotic landscape—to go with the "waterfall!"

The house of Julia Felix (Praedia di Giulia Felice) is a very large complex that was rebuilt after the earthquake of A.D. 62.  It is located just to the northwest of the Amphitheater.  Two blocks (insulae) of Pompeii were combined into one to form it.  The complex consists of four parts: an atrium house, a large formal garden, a bath complex, and a large working garden.

From an inscription, it is known that it was owned by Julia Felix and parts of it were available to be rented to the elite of Pompeii.